Licente Limbi Straine
Lista licente limbi straine
Detalii lucrare | Nivel | Nota | Pagini | Pret |
Beloved revolves around Sethe Suggs who recounts her painful story. |
Facultate | 10 | 47 | 125 |
Maupassant, romancier de succès au XIXème siècle. Henry-René-Albert-Guy de Maupassant est un écrivain qui a marqué la littérature française. |
Facultate | 10 | 98 | 250 |
Education during the pandemic. a discourse analysis
EDUCATION DURING THE PANDEMIC. A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS. The history of education in England starts, for priests, in 597. |
Facultate | 10 | 45 | 113 |
Countable and uncountable nouns in english and romanian
Destinat studentilor care doresc sa isi dezolte cunostintele despre COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS IN ENGLISH AND ROMANIAN. Un referat foarte bine organizat, ce contine atat informatii, cat si imagini, menite sa explice indeaproape ce inseamna COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS IN ENGLISH AND ROMANIAN. Contine prezentarea in word. |
Facultate | 10 | 52 | 2 |
Elemente moderne in legendele lui gustavo adolfo becquerl
Destinat studentilor care doresc sa isi dezolte cunostintele despre Elementele Moderne in Legendele Lui Gustavo Adolfo Becquerl. Un referat foarte bine organizat, ce contine atat informatii, cat si imagini, menite sa explice indeaproape care sunt Elementele Moderne in Legendele Lui Gustavo Adolfo Becquerl. Contine prezentarea in word. |
Facultate | 10 | 43 | 2 |
Women in the 18th century. with an illustration on richardson, defoe and jane austen
Destinat studentilor care doresc sa isi dezolte cunostintele despre WOMEN IN THE 18th CENTURY. WITH AN ILLUSTRATION ON RICHARDSON, DEFOE AND JANE AUSTEN. Un referat foarte bine organizat, ce contine atat informatii, cat si imagini, menite sa explice indeaproape ce inseamna WOMEN IN THE 18th CENTURY. WITH AN ILLUSTRATION ON RICHARDSON, DEFOE AND JANE AUSTEN. Contine prezentarea in word. |
Facultate | 10 | 91 | 2 |
Personajele basmului fantastic
Destinat studentilor care doresc sa isi dezolte cunostintele despre Personajele basmului fantastic. Un referat foarte bine organizat, ce contine atat informatii, cat si imagini, menite sa explice indeaproape care sunt Personajele basmului fantastic. Contine prezentarea in word. |
Facultate | 10 | 52 | 2 |
Verbele modale in limba engleza
Destinat studentilor care doresc sa isi dezolte cunostintele despre Verbele modale in limba engleza. Un referat foarte bine organizat, ce contine atat informatii, cat si imagini, menite sa explice indeaproape cum se formeaza Verbele modale in limba engleza. Contine prezentarea in word. |
Facultate | 10 | 62 | 2 |
Teaching english to the fifth and sixth forms
Destinat studentilor care doresc sa isi dezolte cunostintele despre Teaching English to the Fifth and Sixth Forms. Un referat foarte bine organizat, ce contine atat informatii, cat si imagini, menite sa explice indeaproape ce inseamna Teaching English to the Fifth and Sixth Forms. Contine prezentarea in word. |
Facultate | 10 | 57 | 2 |
Aplicatii ale teoriei numerelor in matematica de gimnaziu
Obiectul iniţial al teoriei numerelor a fost studiul proprietăţilor numerelor întregi. Ca ramură a matematicii , teoria numerelor s-a constituit sitematic abia mai târziu. Rezultate separate se cunosc încă din antichitate şi aparţin lui Euclid ( 300 î. H.) şi lui Diofante (250 î. H.) . În secolul al XVII –lea , în cercetările sale Pierre Fermat ( 1601-1666) face descoperiri remarcabile , de o reală valoare ştiinţifică. |
Facultate | 10 | 75 | 4 |
Il motore riluttanza. il sistema hardware e software utilizzato
The hypothesis: for all the progress in the construction of the new identity of European Union, the European Civil Society (resistance against the coercive European Political Society) cannot accept “the embedded neo-liberalism” (the EU’s actual hegemonic Project) without finding real solutions for so-called “social fracture” of globalisation and this represents a big threat to the soft security model of Europe. |
Facultate | 10 | 84 | 14 |
Les roms et les institutions internationales une approche institutionnaliste
Les Roms forment une minorité unique en Europe. Mais contrairement aux autres minorités, ils n’ont pas de territoire spécifique et se trouvent disséminés dans divers états européens. Chaque communauté Roms s’est greffée sur le pays d’accueil tout en gardant son mode de vie traditionnel. Les statistiques montrent qu’il y a entre 7 et 9 millions de Roms en Europe dont 70% habitent en Europe Centrale et Orientale. La plus grande communauté de Roms se trouve en Roumanie. |
Facultate | 10 | 55 | 4 |
Parallel between the romanian and the anglo saxon family law
One of the major differences between the family laws of the two countries consists in how this branch appeared in the two countries, and who deals with matters of family law. |
Facultate | 10 | 262 | 14 |
Perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of the future eu enlargement towards ceec
The hypothesis: for all the progress in the construction of the new identity of European Union, the European Civil Society (resistance against the coercive European Political Society) cannot accept “the embedded neo-liberalism” (the EU’s actual hegemonic Project) without finding real solutions for so-called “social fracture” of globalisation and this represents a big threat to the soft security model of Europe. This research is based on the neo-Gramscian integrative theoretical perspective. |
Facultate | 10 | 84 | 4 |
Reasons for using translations in the classroom
""Translation, as the process of conveying messages across linguistic and cultural barriers, is an eminently communicative activity, one whose use could well be considered in a wider range of teaching situations than may currently be the case".(Dr. Ian Tudor) |
Facultate | 10 | 70 | 4 |
The noun general considerations
The reason for choosing this topic is related to the frequent occurrence of nouns in almost each language structure and to the fact that the usage of this part of speech involves other grammatical issues. In this respect, dealing with countability/uncountability does not mean only the classification of nouns into two categories. It also involves modalities of making up the plural in English, the usage of determiners, defective forms of some nouns, the concord of subject with the predicate. |
Facultate | 10 | 114 | 4 |