Lucrare Education During The Pandemic. A Discourse Analysis

  • Nota 10.00
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  • Publicat pe 16 Decembrie 2023

Descriere Lucrare

In the 17th century, the north of the island of Ireland is colonized by Scottish and English Protestants. Schooling in Ireland was first formalized in 1812. During the 18th-19th centuries, the standard of living in the north rises. The British passes the Government of Ireland Act in 1920. It divides Ireland into two separate political entities, each with powers of self-government. Before 1921, most National primary Schools in Ireland, established from 1827 onwards, publicly funded, were denominational schools controlled by the churches (Gardner, 2016).  Over the next two decades, the Protestant churches transfer control of their schools to the state. Catholic churches maintain control of theirs. The Education (NI) Act in 1947 provides access to secondary and university education for people from less advantaged backgrounds. In the 1960s-1970s, whereas the rest of the UK adopts a comprehensive education system, NI retains academic selection at age eleven with pupils proceeding to a grammar or a non-grammar school. 
Descarca lucrare
  • Specificatii Lucrare Education During The Pandemic. A Discourse Analysis :

    • Tema: Education During The Pandemic. A Discourse Analysis
    • Tip de fisier: docx
    • Numar de pagini: 45 pagini
    • Nivel: Facultate
    • Descarcari: 0 descarcari
    • Accesari: 600 accesari
    • Nota: 10.00/10 pe baza a 1 comentarii.
    • Pret: 113 Monede
    • Pret aproximativ in lei: 452 RON (pretul variaza in functie de modalitatea de plata aleasa)
      Disponibilitate: In stoc! Comanda-l acum!
    • Taguri: education, pandemic, uk, england, scotland, northern ireland,